Wednesday 5 November 2014

Preparing to build a "dead hedge"

sun above the horizon at 0755GMT this morning
Sun slipping behind the hill bacl of Boggy Brae at 1340GMT

The sun rose in a nearly cloud free sky this morning a little before eight o'clock. By  a little after half past one it was slipping behind the hill that is behind the Boggy Brae garden. The temperature starts to drop after that. One has to make the most of short winter days. Today was a glorious one but I think we're in for a wet day tomorrow.

roots of spiraea
So I made the most of it pulling out spiraea and pruning the overgrown grey sallow, again. I think that particular sallow is done for this year though there are others elsewhere in the garden.

Spiraea with roots like this I am piling up to dry and supply a bonfire at some point (not tonight). I daren't include them in my "dead hedge" plans because if laid on damp ground they will simply regrow. I learned that boggy brae plant behaviour from fuchsia several years ago!

Here is a wee runner with roots, roots, roots. Given a chance to invade one's garden, spiraea will.

spiraea runner with roots
That said, the flowers are very nice in summer. Insects like them.

three metre thick spiraea hedge at the top of the garden
So, today I have got all but about three metres of what I suppose was planted as a wee hedge many years ago pulled out.

Below is the stuff I need to get at for my 'dead hedge'–all those old, moss covered stalks will be ideal. Getting at them is the job for another day (or days). Maybe I can use some of the still live shoots higher up the dead hedge, in the hope that they'll be too dead to grow new roots by the time they get to the bottom!

stretch of double fence for a "dead hedge"
Here is a stretch of double fence on the south-east edge of the garden between RhodoDen and the field into which I wander for sunrise pics. I cleared it yesterday of rhododendron branches that were growing through it. Suitable dead stuff will be stacked up between the two rows of wire fence. Yes, that is an old Wayfarer sailing dinghy tiller extension that is propping up a bit of fencing wire. Waste not, etc.

And so the sun goes down on another boggy brae day and the temperature drops. Currently 5.6ºC and falling. I wonder if it will beat last night's low of 4.2?

I leave you with a blurry pic of the moonrise across the loch at the end of a satisfying and enjoyable day. Now for a large mug of coffee and a very large cookie that I made earlier.

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