Saturday 30 May 2020

A walk up and along the peninsula

First over the garden fence at the top west corner and across the top of a field where bluebells and young trees abound.

Take a look down to the loch.

Then up along the old track past the house where Elizabeth Todrick, the only female shipwright at Clynder's McGruer boatyard, used to live. We checked out the benches in the garden.

Further up we climbed over this style. There is a picnic area near the brow of the hill where you can look across Loch Long: 

Breezy but still hot (by Argyll standards). It’s a good place to enjoy bog cotton and skylarks. We heard a Grasshopper Warbler too.

Cotton grass, milkwort and Cladonia lichen alongside the path.

We came back by a different way and saw some huge, keeled over, but still growing old oaks. This is a place to bring my grandsons when they next visit from Derbyshire.

Hot enough to go sleeveless and manufacture some Vitamin D, not least for its usefulness against Covid19. I don’t tan much but I think I caught some sun today.