Sunday 5 January 2014

We are good at fallen trees

While we were at archery practice a friend came and sliced up our fallen eucalyptus for us. Thank you, BJ! I foresee some log-splitting days ahead.

We decided to leave some of the trunk as a bench. we shoved an old log underneath to support it but with the weight of the tree taken off it was raised rather than falling lower. It would seem that some of the roots are still effective guy ropes.

Garden bench work in progress

Tree roots as guy ropes for a trunk bench and a place for my next compost heap.

This is an apple tree. We don't know when it fell over because it has been like this since we moved here eight years ago. It's still alive and still producing small, wormy apples which the local jays eat up.

There is a little garden seat  here too :)

January buds on the apple tree

The fallen bird cherry below. I shall watch what happens with this during the spring. There are other plants growing on it: holly, honeysuckle, cowberry, ivy, foxgloves. Bit by bit I'll cut off the small branches for firewood. I wonder if the beautiful sulphur polypore fungus will show itself this year?

We brought one slice of trunk inside and will count the rings.

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