Friday 2 December 2016

Ridiculous fuchsia

Still hacking away, bit by bit, at the ridiculous fuchsia down by the front garden wall. I'm making dead hedges (or, as I like to call them tree tranmpolines; try standing on them to squash them down a bit: very springy) on the far side of the lane, using a few remaining uprights to stop them rolling down the hill. There are also some sycamore trunks  that would stop them further down but those are in someone else's garden.

The stems are about three metres long. My first fuschia dead hedge is actually a combination of two so it ended up five and a half metres long. Its props are young ash trees.

This morning, just as I was beginning to think it was time for a break, the chain came off my alligator saw. I'd been thinking it needed tightening a bit so that's a job for this evening.

There was no wind today.

fire is deliberately next to some overgrown
fuchsia and rhododendron–anything to discourage
the beasts!
Maybe with the fuchsia cut down to wall height, I'll be able to keep the live stuff like a trim hedge. Here's hoping.

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