Tuesday 12 July 2016

This leading to that...

Yesterday I got the vacuum cleaner out to do the kitchen floor. First I hoovered up some spider silk and a dead fly from a windowsill at one end. Which led to my moving the jade plants from the windowsill at the other end so that I could hoover up some bits there.
Which led to the largest of the jade plants doing the flop fantastic because it had thrived in that corner by the window but also had used the corner as support instead of strengthening its trunk.
Which led to my needing some sticks and string to prop it up.
 Gosh! they make the loaf look small. Jade plant sandwich, anyone?
staked, so to speak, and tied

After which, it seemed I might as well clean the outside of the window too while I was at it.
Which led to my putting my wellies on and going up to the archery boss for the ladder that Toad had left there (he doesn't do putting ladders away).
Which (that is, the window cleaning) led to my needing a tool to poke more spider silk out of window frame grooves.

And then I put the plants back and decided to prune some of the top heavy one as well so there now is slightly less jade plant than the picture below shows.

jade plant window
There's another wee succulent on that sill. It has taken a long time to get going from a cutting via DerbyshireDaughter but it is taking off at last. As is my wont, when I pruned a pelargonium and didn't want to throw away the very healthy looking shoot, I stuck it in a pot to see if it will take. The little rose that I pulled up from somewhere looks as if it hasn't. Time will tell. Outside the rambling-gone-wild roses seed themselves all over the place as well as rooting where the stems touch ground. The one below is by the old rowan.
Bit of spring greens keeping fresh;
we ate it later.
So, what with all the which-leds-to, the floor vacuuming didn't happen until after lunch.

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