Sunday 23 March 2014

The lovely morning light

It is spring. I know this because of the state of the plants. I also know it because I consider, these days, taking a child's Thermarest mattress out with me on my PJ wanders so that I've something to put between me and the boggy brae to take shots from the ground, looking up

like this

or getting down to eye level with the grass and tiny plant regeneration

like this

and, of course, just to enjoy the morning light through leaves

I can look up while standing too

and today I was enjoying the shadows as much as the light, getting close and personal with a rhodie blossom

not forgetting the fallen.

Buds on the bird cherry tree that blew over in a December gale. There's life in the old gean yet.

Flowering currant

Old leaves of a young oak. Its new leaf buds have not burst open yet. And under the biggest rhododendron, by the field fence, small shoots of Japanese Knotweed. It is not defeated yet. I feel kind of sad, sometimes, that we have to discourage it, remembering how bright and impressive the fully grown stands of it at the end of the loch look in midwinter, leafless and brave in the winter light.

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