Thursday 16 February 2017

Penguin Cake

After the card and present opening, grandson 'DoubleAitch', whose fourth birthday it is today, tried on his new cowboy outfit while his big brother broke eggs into the cake mixture (DoubleAitch wants a penguin cake) and helped stir.
breaking eggs

DerbyshireDaughter has been reading the first Harry Potter book, The Philosopher's Stone, to BigBrother so when they'd all come back from a jaunt down to the loch beach for 'treasure', they settled down to watch the film on DVD while I embarked on my first attempt at cake decorating that needed to go a bit further than slapping some water icing on it. I'm more of a cake than a cake decorations person.

Once I finished playing with icing, melted chocolate, black candles for a penguin beak, and a few sweets the four film watchers (DoubleAitch, HisBigBrother, their mum, and their aunty Toadlet) paused the DVD for a few moments while they scraped out the icing and melted chocolate bowls.
sticky dips

Soapy water was provided for destickifying and then the penguin was (cough!) admired. It's a roaring success! It makes people laugh 😂 and it'll taste just fine.

Penguin cake extraordinaire!
Toadlet's pals say it's a demon. These are the same pals who've nicknamed me "Shady" 😀

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