Friday 10 May 2024

Ruth's Tree across the loch

Every morning I look north-east across the loch. A good many years ago I noticed "a speck, a mist, a shape I wist" (apologies to Coleridge!). Eventually I decided it was a tiny tree and, as the years have passed its shape has been more easily recognisable as a tree. Last year I told Ruth about it and said I'd like to walk right up to it some time. She wanted to do this too ("I love a challenge," she said) but on her last visit to the Boggy Brae she wasn't well enough so that walk didn't happen. One day I'll do it.

In the photo directly below I've put a pale arrow pointing to where the tree is on the horizon as seen from my bedroom window. To the right of it is a forest plantation. I suspect my 'speck' of a tree seeded from one of those trees, especially as I now think there is another speck-like, misty, tree-like thing growing further to its left. I should probably borrow Toad's massive long lens and get a better shot.

Photos are landscape so if viewing on a phone you might need to 'swivel'.

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